Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dear Baby,

Tuesday I went to my regular weekly appt. I had made it to 38 weeks which I didn't think was going to happen. I figured it was going to be the same old thing and we would see the dr again in a week. I weighed myself. I gained five whole pounds from the week before. Just a pound less then I had gained the whole pregnancy. The nurse checked my bp. It was high. I had noticed some swelling in my legs. And when she checked my urine, the nurse found I was spilling protein. All the precursors for pre-eclampsia. The doctor came in and said he wasn't pleased with my results and said he would like to have you out rather than in. So he set the date for Thursday October 8th to induce labor. *wow*

I called Busia first thing on my way home. I couldn't stop crying. I am not sure why. I think it was finally an end to the pregnancy and a real beginning to our life together. I knew when you were coming now and when we would get to meet. I stopped at Target on the way home to pick up anything I thought I would need and some diapers for Cecelia. Then I went home to tell Daddy our great news (and I cried some more.)

Wednesday I spent the entire day nesting. I cleaned house, did laundry, made some food. Relaxed with the girls, went to jazz with Elizabeth, made all the girls teachers/ bus drivers/ friends aware of what was going on. I wrote a zillion notes for Busia, Dziadzia and Auntie Lisa so that they know whats going on when I am gone. I stayed up too late and had Phoenix COney Island before I went to bed. Daddy came home at 10:45 which was so nice. He only worked a half day.

Now it's 4:30 am. I have been up since 4am although my alarm WAS set for 4:47am. I can't sleep. I am so excited to meet you. I am so nervous about the work I have to do today and the pain I have to experience, but the joy and pride of meeting you will far surpass all of that. I can't believe the day is already here. I feel like a kid at Christmas awaiting to unwrap my special present. As I sit and type this I feel you hiccuping in my belly and you are stretching your legs out and kicking my ribs. Believe it or not, I am going to miss this all. You are probably our last addition, so I have tried hard to love every minute of this pregnancy. Even when what I really wanted to do was cry from exhaustion or morning sickness.

By the end of today I should have you in my arms. I have been praying that you are happy and healthy and that you make a fast appearance. I can't wait to hold you and kiss you and introduce you to your three big sisters who are so very excited to meet you. Cecelia isn't the baby anymore and I wonder how she will deal with that. She seems so thrilled, but I know its going to be a big change for such a little person. I'm anxious to see if she is right and you are the boy that she has been insisting that you are for the last 9 months. :)

See you soon, Baby. We love you so much already.

Love, Mommy


Unknown said...

Beautiful letter and tribute. Happy Birthing Day, Lorene!

Welcome to the world, Magdalena.

Kim Cervone said...

can"t wait tomeet you,baby. Your auntie told me your name...don't know if mommy wants it public yet, but it is a lovely name for you, precious baby!!

Kim Cervone said...

Oops, I guess it ispublic and I didn't even notice : )