Monday, April 7, 2008

When did this happen

When did my girls get so big? When did they learn that? Why does time go so fast?

It seems like just yesterday we announced our pregnancy with Emily. I remember it very vividly. I made Jay a big sign on the wall in the kitchen that said Welcome Home Daddy on it. We made it almost all the way thru dinner before he noticed it. It was Christmas time so after I confirmed it with the dr, I went to the nearest Hallmark and bought a Cherished Teddy for my mom and picked up a bib for Jay's mom. What an exciting Christmas we had that year. What a beautiful time in our lives....

Fast forward to today. Emily is reading me a book while I nurse #3 and Elizabeth is sitting next to us plugging away on her Leapster. When did this all happen? Emily is going to Kindergarten. Elizabeth is climbing all over the jungle gym at the park. Cecelia is starting cereal. We have three kids! Dear Lord. It hit me today. I am a mom! I have three kids. I am the mom of an almost five year old! It amazes me! I seriously thank God every single day that I get to be at home with my girls and watch them do all the new stuff they are doing. I don't miss a single second of their lives. I love my husband for working as hard as he does to allow me to be able to do it. It's days like today that I realize how good I really do have it. Sure, I don't have a fancy house or a fast car or the newest clothes on the racks, but darn it I live and love every single second! I wouldn't trade that for all the tea in China!


Unknown said...

<3 I could have written your post (except for the three kid part). It's amazing, isn't it. <3

Jen said...

It's really amazing how fast it all goes by. Amazing and a little sad.

Kim Cervone said...

Something about the brids chirping, I think, really get you thinking about how good life is!! We are blessed!!