Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I am such a proud Momma

The girls have done a few things in the last few days to make me proud. Proud as a peacock! Sunday we got up, got dressed and went to church. This was the first time with all three of them by ourselves (Christmas and Christening don't count- we had help- and lots of it) We've been saying for a month now that we were going, but have made all kinds of excuses. This time, I was going and that was that. I am not so sure what we were worried about. I don't think we could have asked for three sweeter, quieter under control chilren. Em and Elle sat and ate their trail mix that we threw together before we walked out of the door and Ce slept until the second reading, but after that sat quietly and cutely on my lap. She talked a little during a song or two, but lets face it, baby talk is just too cute to shoosh. :)

After church, we hit Target, Home Depot and went out to dinner later in the evening. We tried Boston's Gourmet Pizza this time around for something different (plus we had a gift certificate to use) Oh my gosh! I was a little nervous, but the girls again were angels. We had a bunch of please and thank yous and nice quiet kids. (though with the Super Bowl on, they could have been animals and no one would have even known...they were better behaved than some of the men in there Haha) Elle even went potty in the potty there! After they devoured their mac and cheese, Momma ordered up a big fat hot fudge sundae that Daddy and the girls shared. What a great dining experience.

The biggest bestest proudest moment happened for me yesterday! I took Emily to school and talked in the parking lot with another Mom for about 15 minutes. I came home and Elle greeted me at the door and Daddy said she had something to show me. So she ran upstairs into the bathroom and I followed closely behind. She lifted up the potty seat and right there plain as day the proof that the little lady pooped on the potty. I cried. I laughed. I jumped and danced and sang and hugged and kissed and cried some more. Any mother who has been in my very situation can honestly say they know what I am talking about. A week and three days into potty training and the kid is already taking herself into the bathroom and pooping. No cues- nothing. All she did was call to Jay and tell him she needed help to wipe her butt. She has seen the light. And I think I have seen my last diaper from her. WOOOHOOOOO!

So, that was our last few days in a nutshell. To some of you, they seem amazingly boring and not-so-great. But to me, I don't think I could have asked for anything more. I am such a proud Momma today.


Unknown said...

It sounds like a GREAT and productive weekend! I love those family times and momma moments.

Marissa said...

sounds like a GREAT day!!! :D

Lauren said...

sure does sound like a GREAT day!!! WTG Elle!!!