Sunday, October 19, 2008

Money well spent

My sister and her husband have this tradition that for every wedding they go to, they buy a bottle of Dom for the happy couple. We got ours 6 years ago. A 1993 bottle which was weird cause my sister and her husband got married in 1993. We actually offered to give them ours and buy a new bottle.

So then we tried to decide when to drink it. We were going to wait till our tenth anniversary, but everyone said not to wait that long for fear of it going bad. Then we set our sights on our fifth anniversary. Well, that kinda got shot down cause I was nursing a two week old baber. So, last night as we sat and watched The Love Guru and Jay ate his peanuts, I decided we should open it. High class all the way, huh? We had a great giggle about peanuts and Dom.

I was kinda sad to open the bottle, but at the same time I knew we'd better. It was kinda like this little prize that we had and we kept it in the chiller and spun it and spun it again. Now there is nothing left but an empty bottle. Granted, the stuff was really, really good, but now its gone. My guess is that I probably won't see another bottle of it for a good long time. Good thing I enjoyed it as much as I did, huh?

1 comment:

Brightside said...

hey you enjoyed it with your dh, that bottled fulfilled its mission ;)